Acute pain lasts 1 day to 3 months while damaged tissue heals.
At the three-month mark, the inflammatory process should be completely resolved and no longer cause swelling or pain seen in the first few weeks of injury.

Chronic pain, unlike acute pain, is a false alarm.
If your pain lasts over three months, it is considered chronic. If inflammation fails to resolve, and all phases of tissue healing fail to be completed, there can be a change in how the nervous system interprets signals, and that transition may begin when
Think Twice About How You Treat pain
The problem:
The conventional approach to pain care in the US is broken, and there is no single therapy that will provide a solution.
Fact: 75% of opioid misuse begins with prescription medication
The solution:
Chronic pain requires a different approach. One that changes from symptom-centered to patient-centered.

Our core philosophy is simple...
The human body has an amazing ability to maintain its own health when provided with the right signals.

Did you know...
Appropriate signals maximize the body’s ability to decrease pain.
What if...
There was a powerful medicine available that didn’t require a prescription or a trip to the drugstore?
Your daily choices...
Send signals to each of your cells that either promote health & healing or damage & disease.
What choices have the greatest impact on pain, inflammation, and quality of life?
Introducing the MSK Pain Recovery Program
What is it?
A nutrition and lifestyle program designed to help reduce pain signals while eliminating the underlying causes of inflammation.
The essential tools in this program are designed to be flexible as they help support each component of the pain response, allowing you to find the perfect balance that restores your health.
Throughout the program, you will better understand how inflammation affects your health on a daily basis – including why your body responds or fails to decrease, to the pain signals in your life.
The program outlines recommendations for the three major areas that trigger pain and inflammation in the body: nutritional, physical, and psychological.

Discover Where Your Body Needs Extra TLC!

Is the MSK Pain Recovery Program Right For Me?

If you’re tired of shuffling from doctor to doctor without ever getting to the root of your chronic pain, if you want to optimize your health holistically through sound lifestyle modifications, advanced lab testing & mind-body techniques without unnecessary medications, then our program may just be what you’ve been looking for all along. Just know that it takes a serious commitment to make the lifestyle changes necessary to transform your health once and for all.

What Should I Expect From My Free Discovery Call?

During the free discovery call, we’ll determine whether partnering with our team is the best next step for you. We’ll go over any questions you may have about our approach, and how it differs from what you’ve tried before – so you feel comfortable about the journey ahead.

What About Supplements & Lab Testing?

As a prospective patient, you may wonder about additional costs not included in our program fee.
We know that you’ve likely been to other providers before that may have already run lab tests. That’s why during our comprehensive intake consultation, we will review any existing lab results – so that we can determine if additional, more advanced lab testing is needed to confirm a diagnosis.
Although supplements can't make up for a poor lifestyle, we may recommend certain pharmaceutical - grade supplements to support your body’s innate healing process.

What Should I Expect From The Initial Appointment?

Before the initial paid appointment, you will complete our extensive background history forms so we can properly review your history and lab results. During the appointment, we will review your completed intake form, medical history, current and past lab tests – as well as any medications taken, so that we can arrive at a baseline assessment of your overall health and nutritional status. If needed, we may decide on more advanced lab tests to confirm (or rule out) a specific diagnosis, so we can create a personalized treatment protocol.

After a recent injury, I started on the MSK Pain Solutions program. The Soft Tissue Support Pack and cold laser treatments helped to resolve the pain and inflammation quickly.

I went from chronic pain that was not responding to different therapies to almost no pain in less than 4 weeks with the MSK Program.

The MSK Program taught me to consider all 3 root causes of the chronic pain that I had been dealing with for years.
Our team strives to provide you with the most effective and medically advanced techniques available. We are here for you… to help you finally reach your desired health goals.
When we speak over the phone, we’ll assess whether this program is right for you… and answer any questions you may have. Simply pick a time and date that works best for you!
To get started, simply take the FREE assessment to discover where your body needs extra TLC!