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Are You in Control of Your Cardiometabolic Health?

Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions involving narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to heart attack, chest pain or stroke. Given the prevalence and severity of these conditions, it is no surprise that reducing cardiovascular risk is the #1 question on patients’ minds.
Learn How We Help

We Help Our Clients Control & Reduce Their Cardiometabolic Risk

Healthy Couple

Given the prevalence and severity of cardiovascular disease, it is no surprise that the number one question patients ask their health care practitioners is, “How do I reduce my risk for cardiovascular disease?”

Oftentimes, the answer to this question is a prescription: a statin for cholesterol, beta blocker for blood pressure or insulin for blood sugar. This style of treatment is called a polypharmacy approach, in that health care practitioners prescribe multiple drugs to help manage certain numbers.

Unfortunately, this approach won’t attack the root cause or consider why these numbers are elevated, leaving patients feeling confused and helpless.

A functional approach to cardiometabolic treatment breaks the polypharmacy mold and puts you in control of your cardiometabolic risk. This approach uses lifestyle medicine to attack the root cause of elevated numbers while considering the connections between them.

We can provide you with a comprehensive and targeted solution for improving cardiometabolic health that looks beyond the numbers and considers the why. Finally, you will have an answer to that number one question and take back control of your health!

Understanding Your Cardiometabolic Risk

Cardiometabolic risk is a collection of factors that help determine a patient’s overall risk for cardiometabolic disease.

Regardless of your risk level, the recommended course of treatment is often focused on drug therapies aimed at reducing an individual lab value (e.g., a statin for high LDL). This type of management is a reactive way of helping you lower your risk, but it clearly does not attack the underlying cause of the problem.


An abnormal lab value is a signal of multiple levels of body functions failing; therefore, simply addressing the lab value will not solve the many layers of dysfunction that continue to persist.


In order to truly improve risk, we must be proactive and attack the underlying cause of the problem. The cause of increased cardiometabolic risk is often a decreased physiological resilience and metabolic reserve caused by chronic inflammation and insulin resistance stemming from poor lifestyle choices such as obesity, physical inactivity, stress, environmental factors, and nutrient deficiencies.

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We all have an aunt or uncle who lives a very unhealthy lifestyle and still lived to be 95 years old. On the flip side, we all know someone who practiced a very healthy lifestyle, but unfortunately was diagnosed with cardiometabolic disease before the age of 60.

These two groups of people are anomalies, and they represent a very small portion of the general population. Even though your genes play a role in disease progression, they are not the deciding factor for a majority of the population.

Introducing the
Cardiometabolic Transformation

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Your risk for cardiometabolic disease takes years to develop. The cumulative burden of years of poor choices eventually add up to create your risk or health profile. This is called the metabolic continuum. If you’ve made some unhealthy choices over your lifetime, you can change your course. However, if you take no action, the risk for disease will snowball as the years progress.


Our team will help you understand where you fall on the metabolic continuum, and how you can take steps to improve your trajectory as needed.


Chronic inflammation is commonly the cause of your cardiometabolic risk. If unaddressed and unstopped, your risk can then turn into full cardiometabolic disease. Luckily, your risk setting can be significantly improved by using the power of lifestyle medicine to help lower and control chronic inflammation.

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Let our Cardiometabolic Transformation Program assist you in understanding the importance of the cardiovascular system and its effects on the health of your entire body. Let us be your guide to better health and longevity through nutrition and lifestyle modifications.

To get started, take the FREE assessment to find out your cardiometabolic risk!

Image by Luke Chesser

Tired of shuffling from doctor to doctor without ever getting to the root of your chronic health issues, and if you want to optimize your health holistically through sound lifestyle modifications, advanced lab testing and mind-body techniques without unnecessary medications?


Our program may just be what you’ve been looking for all along. Just know that it takes a serious commitment to make the lifestyle changes necessary to transform your health once and for all.

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Is the Cardiometabolic Transfomation Program Right For Me?

Image by Luke Chesser

During the free discovery call, we’ll determine whether partnering with our team is the best next step for you. We’ll go over any questions you may have about our approach, and how it differs from what you’ve tried before – so you feel comfortable about the journey ahead.

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What Should I Expect From My Free Discovery Call?

Image by Luke Chesser

     To make things easy for you, there are lab panels included with our different programs. While you may have had labs done in the past, we find that many of the important markers necessary to discover the root cause of your problem are not included in routine labs.

The nutraceutical supplements recommended in our programs are designed to facilitate change faster than without.  Most of the ingredients are not those found in your diet.

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What About Supplements & Lab Testing?

Image by Luke Chesser

Ahead of the initial paid appointment, you will complete our extensive background history forms so that we can properly review your history and lab results ahead of your appointment. During the appointment, we will together review your completed intake form, medical history, current and past lab tests – as well as any medications taken, so that we can arrive at a baseline assessment of your overall health and nutritional status. If needed, we may decide on more advanced lab tests to confirm (or rule out) a specific diagnosis, so we can create a personalized treatment protocol.

On a Video Call

What Should I Expect From The Initial Appointment?


Happy Woman

After 6 months on the program, my labs showed a 39% reduction in my triglycerides.

People Cheering

I experienced significant improvements in my lipid panel and my A1c.

Happy Couple

When I couldn't take the statins, I didn't know what else to do to protect my health.  Now I do.

Our team strives to provide you with the most effective and medically advanced techniques available. We are here for you… to help you finally reach your desired health goals.

When we speak over the phone, we’ll assess whether this program is right for you… and answer any questions you may have. Simply pick a time and date that works best for you!


To get started, simply take the FREE assessment to discover how to transform your cardiometabolic health.

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